Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy

Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy
Showing our dojo roots.

Who, Where, and When Can you find us?

Welcome to the Merrick P.A.L. Judo website. It's under construction for now, but here's some info. For starters... The program is run by Sensei Rick Calabrese and we're located at:

Brookside Central Administration Building
1260 Meadowbrook Road, North Merrick

Directions: Southern State Parkway to Exit 23 South (Meadowbrook Road). Continue to Brookside School, which will be on the right hand side of Meadowbrook Road.
Our class schedule is Wednesday & Friday nights at 7:00pm in the wrestling room through the gym.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hey, Judo Parents, Come On Down

Welcome Merrick P.A.L. judoka (judo students), both new & returning ones. The Fall, 2009 season has started and is going strong, and now is the time to see Sensei about purchasing gis (judo uniforms). So you ask, 'Why does my child need a judo gi and not regular clothes or even a karate gi?' Well, in Judo, as in most Japanese martial arts, we wear a traditional white judo uniform. We are constantly practicing our grip and grabbing onto each other, and while a karate gi might look the same, most kids' karate gis are not heavy enough of a material to withstand the constant tugging and grabbing, and the light-weight gis and kids' clothes can rip very easily. So it's in everyone's best interests to wear judo gis. Not only for your kid's comfort and to save your clothing bill, but their training partners can properly practice kumi-kata (gripping the opponent) when they correctly grab on to their gi. So try to pick them up ASAP.

The site has a few new updates such as a "staff" portion on the right side of the page, and is moving along little by little. In the staff portion, you will find pictures of who you see on the mat teaching and training alongside your kids. Jon Abrams, Brian Solomon, and Leo Bazil are all dads of students who are training in Judo. As this website develops, you will find bios on the staff so you can really get to know us (even if we don't get a chance to talk during class). So check up on us every so often.

Now that we have gotten started, we invite and encourage parents to train alongside their kids. While learning Judo alongside their kids, parents get a chance to not only get a little exercise, but also learn self-defense. There is also Judo & Jui-jitsu training available to parents after class. The only requirement that we ask is that the parents sign up with USJA, United States Judo Association. The USJA is a major governing association which the Merrick P.A.L. Judo club belongs to and it provides tournaments, training, and ranking. Most important about the USJA, is that it also supplies insurance for its members. The fee is minimal, $45.00 per year, so go to and go to 'Join the USJA' and support the organization. When registering, the dojo is listed as Merrick P.A.L./Ronin Judo, and the instructor is Rick Calabrese. The kids are insured through Merrick P.A.L. so they don't need to be registered through USJA, but parents certainly do.

Another great source for Judo information is The Kodokan is the head Judo dojo (school) in Japan, and the site has every piece of information that anyone could ask for in their quest to expand their Judo knowledge.

Monday, September 14, 2009

New Fall 2009 Season

Break out your gis (uniforms) and start reviewing your sheets. Summer vacation is over and Judo is about to start up again and we hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer, but now it's time to get back to training.
Registration started on Saturday and it's looking good. The second day of registration will be this Wednesday night, September 16 at 7:00pm at Brookside school (where we hold class). We hope to see all of last season's judoka (Judo students) come back.
Please remember that we encourage the parents to train alongside their kids.
-Jon Abrams, Sempai

Monday, June 22, 2009

Judo Test Results

Well, the Winter/Spring, 2009 Merrick P.A.L. Judo session is finished and on Wednesday, June 17, 2009, we had a Judo promotional test for the students. Students were asked questions on dojo (Judo school) rules & etiquette, Japanese terminology, and were asked to perform various Judo techniques. Everyone did a very nice job, and we'd like to thank all the parents for all their time and effort in helping prepare their kids for the test, and congratulate all the kids who tested and advanced in rank.
Promoted to white belt with one (1) yellow stripe:
Jarred Tasch, Luke Kaminsky, Zachary Kaminsky, Sam Leone, Kyle Ednie, John Eisert, Sam Moskowitz, Odin Francis, Max Bazil, Brandon Fiala, Jackie Barba, Arthur Grim, Brandon O'Neill.
Promoted to white with two (2) yellow stripes:
Samuel Abrams, Toby Harrington, Eddie Shunk
Promoted to yellow belt:
Matthew Rosin & Alex Cruz
Promoted to yellow belt with one (1) stripe:
Jeffrey LeBeaux
Promoted to orange belt:
Dominick DiBari & John Gandolfo (tested & promoted on prior date)
Promoted to green belt:
Aaron Solomon (tested & promoted on prior date)

And in case anyone was interested in the adults... Some of the sempai (assistant instructors) tested for advancement also:
Promoted to yellow belt:
Leo Bazil
Promoted to green belt:
Sempai Brian Solomon & Sempai Jonathan Abrams
Congratulations to all who were promoted, and we hope to see you all next seesion and please remember, all of the parents are welcome to train alongside their kids.
Once again, thanks to all the parents for their contribution to the club & thanks to Sensei Rick Calabrese for his dedication & instruction, Sensei Cliff Wolff for his continued guidance, and to Sensei Ken Mandel for his support and making the time to come down.
Keep in touch,
-Jon Abrams

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sam's First Judo Tournament

During last class, we were joined by the Baldwin PAL Judo club. We were able to practice randori (free style practice) with different kids and we were informed of a shiai (tournament) on Sunday, May 31, 2009 in Long Beach.

Well, on the day of the tournament, Sam and I were the only ones from our club to attend this small & friendly shiai with the exception of Sensei Cliff Wolff. This was unfortunate. Sam had two matches against a well-experienced orange belt, and at the end of the day, Sam took home a second place trophy. More important than the trophy, was the experience that Sam gained by attending a shiai. Good sportsmanship & competitiveness.
And remember two things:
Tournament experience is necessary for rank advancement and, it's not whether you win of lose, but how you play the game.

Great job, Sam.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ski Trip Anyone?

As announced at the last class by Sempai Dave Freese, if anyone is interested in a Judo club ski trip.

The below website has the rental form information at the bottom. Please download fill it in for all people getting rentals, and bring to Judo on Wednesday. If you have a scanned and want to email to me
Trip info:
1) Date Sat. March 7
2) $24 for lift ticket
3) $24 for ski / snowboard rental.... which comes with a 1 hour lesson. The lesson starts at 9:30, you should be at the ski school area at least 10 minutes in advance.
- Would only suggest snowboarding for people who have done it before... it takes at least 3 days to learn to snowboard
- You can also rent helmets.... I believe it is $5.
4) The place opens around 8 in morning we will leave from the Brookside parking lot at 6:00 am
5) Dress Warmly:
- if you have "snow pants / bib
- ski jacket.
- If you have ski socks please use those. Sweatsocks are not recommended, they hold moisture not heat.
- Other suggested clothing: a) Insulated underwear b) sweater/fleece c) warm waterproof gloves d) ski hat
6) if it is going to be sunny day sun tan lotion for your face, and definitely lip balm.