Well, the Winter/Spring, 2009 Merrick P.A.L. Judo session is finished and on Wednesday, June 17, 2009, we had a Judo promotional test for the students. Students were asked questions on dojo (Judo school) rules & etiquette, Japanese terminology, and were asked to perform various Judo techniques. Everyone did a very nice job, and we'd like to thank all the parents for all their time and effort in helping prepare their kids for the test, and congratulate all the kids who tested and advanced in rank.
Promoted to white belt with one (1) yellow stripe:
Jarred Tasch, Luke Kaminsky, Zachary Kaminsky, Sam Leone, Kyle Ednie, John Eisert, Sam Moskowitz, Odin Francis, Max Bazil, Brandon Fiala, Jackie Barba, Arthur Grim, Brandon O'Neill.
Promoted to white with two (2) yellow stripes:
Samuel Abrams, Toby Harrington, Eddie Shunk
Promoted to yellow belt:
Matthew Rosin & Alex Cruz
Promoted to yellow belt with one (1) stripe:
Jeffrey LeBeaux
Promoted to orange belt:
Dominick DiBari & John Gandolfo (tested & promoted on prior date)
Promoted to green belt:
Aaron Solomon (tested & promoted on prior date)
And in case anyone was interested in the adults... Some of the sempai (assistant instructors) tested for advancement also:
Promoted to yellow belt:
Leo Bazil
Promoted to green belt:
Sempai Brian Solomon & Sempai Jonathan Abrams
Congratulations to all who were promoted, and we hope to see you all next seesion and please remember, all of the parents are welcome to train alongside their kids.
Once again, thanks to all the parents for their contribution to the club & thanks to Sensei Rick Calabrese for his dedication & instruction, Sensei Cliff Wolff for his continued guidance, and to Sensei Ken Mandel for his support and making the time to come down.
Keep in touch,
-Jon Abrams