Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy

Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy
Showing our dojo roots.

Who, Where, and When Can you find us?

Welcome to the Merrick P.A.L. Judo website. It's under construction for now, but here's some info. For starters... The program is run by Sensei Rick Calabrese and we're located at:

Brookside Central Administration Building
1260 Meadowbrook Road, North Merrick

Directions: Southern State Parkway to Exit 23 South (Meadowbrook Road). Continue to Brookside School, which will be on the right hand side of Meadowbrook Road.
Our class schedule is Wednesday & Friday nights at 7:00pm in the wrestling room through the gym.

Japanese Terminology for Techniques

Japanese Names of a Judoka's Body Parts

This picture and explaination is a handy guide for learning the names of your throws based on whch part of the body is indicated in the name of the throw. Some parts have two names. Here is the list from the head down:

1. Kube= Neck                                    6. Te = Hand
2. Kata/Seio = Shoulder                       7. Mata = Inner thigh
3. Ude = Arm                                       8. Hiza = Knee
4. Mune = Chest                                   9. Ashi = Leg or foot
5. Koshi/Goshi = Hip                          10. Yubi = Toes

Points to remember: Using the model shown earlier where body parts are labeled in Japanese, throws are more easily translatable, making learning the translation easier.

Also, to remember the basics of Japanese translation for Judo, many of the words are used repeatedly, and remembering these prefixes & suffixes, like listed above, it also makes translating the throws easier.
1. Harai/Barai = Sweep                        8. Gari = Reap
2. O = Major or large                           9. Gake = Hook
3. Ko = Minor or small                       10. Tsuri = Lift
4. Soto = Outer                                  11. Komi = Pull
5. Uchi = Inner                                   12. Ura/Ushiro = Back
6. Garuma = Wheel                            13. Yoko = Side
7. Otoshi = Drop

Following the above listed “rules” will make learning the translation of the following techniques (waza) much easier.