Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy

Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy
Showing our dojo roots.

Who, Where, and When Can you find us?

Welcome to the Merrick P.A.L. Judo website. It's under construction for now, but here's some info. For starters... The program is run by Sensei Rick Calabrese and we're located at:

Brookside Central Administration Building
1260 Meadowbrook Road, North Merrick

Directions: Southern State Parkway to Exit 23 South (Meadowbrook Road). Continue to Brookside School, which will be on the right hand side of Meadowbrook Road.
Our class schedule is Wednesday & Friday nights at 7:00pm in the wrestling room through the gym.

Rank Requirements

White Belt with 1st Yellow Stripe

General Knowledge

1. Bowing
2. Warm-up exercises
3. Class Rules:
     a. Never use Judo on people outside of class.
     b. We must cooperate with each other.
     c. Treat each other like a family.
     d. Pay attention in class.

4. Sitting. Two ways: On knees (seiza)  or Cross-legged (anza)
5. Balance (kuzushi): Eight (8) directions.

Techniques (Waza)
1. Kumi kata: Gripping your opponent (grabbing the lapel & arm)
2. Ukemi: Break falls (right, left, back)
3. Throws:
     a. O goshi = Major hip throw

b. De ashi harai = Advancing foot sweep

Judo = Gentle way
Sensei = Teacher
Sempai = Assistant Teacher
Rei (pronounced “ray”) = Bow
Dr. Jigaro Kano = Founder of Judo
Dojo = training hall or school
Tori = Person doing the technique or throw
Uke = Person that the technique is being practiced on
Ukemi = Breakfalls
O goshi = Major hip throw
De ashi harai = Advancing foot sweep

White Belt with Second Yellow Stripe
General Knowledge
1. Rules of Self Defense
     Walk, talk, then fight back
2. Three Parts of a Throw
     a. Off balance (kuzushi)
     b. Entry (tsukuri)
     c. Execution (kake)
3. Count 1-10 in Japanese
     1 Ichi “itch”      6 Roku “row koo”
     2 Ni “knee”      7 Shichi “she-chee”
     3 San “sahn”    8 Hachi “hach-ee”
     4 Shi “she”       9 Ku “coo”
     5 Go “go”      10 Ju “joo”

Techniques (Waza)
1. Learn how to tie the belt.
2. Breakfalls (Ukemi)
     a. Forward rolling (Zempo kaiten ukemi)
     b. Right rolling (Migi kaiten ukemi)
     c. Left rolling (Hidari kaiten ukemi)
3. Throws
     a. Kube nage (neck throw)

     b. O soto gari (major outer reap)

4. Mat holds: kesa gatame (scarf hold)

5. Happo no kuzushi: Forms of off-balance
6. Walking & Throwing

Kube nage = neck throw
O soto gari = major outer reap
Kesa gatame = scarf hold
Migi kaiten ukemi = right rolling breakfall
Hidari kaiten ukemi = left rolling breakfall
Yoko ukemi = side breakfall

White Belt with Third Yellow Stripe
General Knowledge
1. What is Randori? Free style practice
2. What is a Shiai? Judo tournament
3. How can you win a tournament match?
     a. Throwing an opponent
     b. Pinning an opponent
     c. Submitting an opponent (opponent “taps out”)

4. Things to remember when throwing:
     a. Lower your belt below uke’s belt
     b. Line up your hips with those of your opponent
     c. Don’t leave a space between yourself and uke
     d. Pull & twist when throwing

Techniques (Waza)
1. Throws: Tsuri goshi

Koshi garuma

2. Mat techniques (gatame waza): “Bridge & roll escape” from kesa gatame
3. Breakfalls: Ma zempo ukemi & Kotto kaiten ukemi
4. Types of walking: “normal” (Ayumi ashi) & “sliding feet” (Tsugi ashi)

Tsuri goshi = belt throw
Koshi garuma = hip wheel throw
Sore made = that is all
Jikan = time
Osae kome = mat hold

Yellow Belt
General Knowledge
Basic Judo etiquette
Basic Judo hygiene

Purpose of breakfalls (ukemi)

Techniques (Waza)
1. Nage waza (throwing techniques)
     a. O goshi = Major hip throw
     b. Kube nage = Neck throw
     c. Koshi garuma = Hip wheel
     d. Tsuri goshi = Lifting hip throw
     e. De ashi harai = Advanced foot sweep
     f. O soto gari = Major outer reap

2. Throw to a mat hold combinations using above previous throws
3. Work to perfect previous throws
4. Katame/Gatame Waza (Mat techniques)
     a. Kesa gatame = scarf hold
     b. Knee to back escape

Ippon = one or fill point
Anza = sitting cross-legged or “Indian style”
Kuzushi = off-balance
Gi = uniform
Judoka = Person who practices Judo
Zempo = front
Koho = rear

Yellow Belt with First Orange Stripe
General Knowledge
Two categories of throws
     1. Standing throws
     2. Sacrifice throws

Techniques (Waza)
     1. Nage waza (Throwing techniques)
          a. Uki goshi = Floating hip

          b. Tani otoshi = Valley drop

2. Katame/Gatame Waza (Mat techniques)
     a. Kata gatame = shoulder hold

     b. Five (5) escapes for kesa gatame
          i. Knee to back
          ii. Pulling leg over

Shizen hon tai = Basic natural posture
Jigo hon tai = Basic defensive posture
Yoshi = Continue
Sono Mama = Freeze/Don’t move
Seiza = Sitting on knees

Yellow Belt with Second Orange Stripe
Techniques (Waza)
1. Nage waza (Throwing techniques)
     a. O uchi gari = Major inner reap

     b. Ko uchi gari = Minor inner reap

2. Katame/Gatame Waza (Mat techniques)
     a. Kata gatame = shoulder hold
     b. Arch escape
     c. Run escape

Orange Belt
Techniques (Waza)
     1. Nage Waza (Throwing techniques)
          a. Morote seio nage = two arm shoulder throw
          b. Ippon seio nage = one arm shoulder throw
                  video shows both versions
                     1st: ippon seio nage, 2nd: eri seio nage, 3rd: morote seio nage

c. Dropping to one knee

* Striving to perfect previous rank techniques/requirements

2. Katame/Gatame Waza (Mat techniques)
     a. Arm grab escape

Orange belt with First Green Stripe
Techniques (Waza)
1. Nage waza (Throwing techniques)
     a. Ko soto gari = Minor inner reap

2. Katame/Gatame Waza (Mat techniques)
     a. Breaking grips
     b. “Countering” hip techniques

Orange Belt with Second Green Stripe
Techniques (Waza)
1. Nage Waza (Throwing techniques)
      a. Tsuri komi goshi (Lifting pulling throw)

2. Katame/Gatame Waza
     a. Yoko shiho gatame (Four corner hold)

b. Countering a foot technique (ashi waza)

Green Belt
Techniques (Waza)
1. Nage Waza (Throwing techniques)
     a Sasae tsuri komi ashi (Foot stop throw)

     b Hiza garuma (Knee wheel)

2. Katame/Gatame Waza (Mat techniques)
     a Escaping Yoko shiho gatame
     b Striving to perfect previous rank techniques/requirements
     c 80% attendance record