Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy

Dojo Flag, Ronin Judo Academy
Showing our dojo roots.

Who, Where, and When Can you find us?

Welcome to the Merrick P.A.L. Judo website. It's under construction for now, but here's some info. For starters... The program is run by Sensei Rick Calabrese and we're located at:

Brookside Central Administration Building
1260 Meadowbrook Road, North Merrick

Directions: Southern State Parkway to Exit 23 South (Meadowbrook Road). Continue to Brookside School, which will be on the right hand side of Meadowbrook Road.
Our class schedule is Wednesday & Friday nights at 7:00pm in the wrestling room through the gym.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

End of Judo Session Info

To all members and parents, here is information for the program. All of the instructors and PO Serrao wish you a happy holiday season and a healthy new year!

Toy Drive:

Please bring in unwrapped new condition toys for donation to the Nassau County Medical Center. We will collect toys until 12/14/11. We have been doing this for several years now and it is greatly appreciated.

Holiday Party:

We will have a holiday party on 12/21/11. We will do some judo games and have a grab bag ($10 limit). Also we ask parents to coordinate bringing in cupcakes, cookies, etc and napkins, plates and cups. The PAL will provide pizza and drinks. If your child has special dietary needs please bring in something that they can have and enjoy.


Several returning students missed last session tests. They will be informed 12/7/11 to be prepared to test the following week. Please note there will be no testing for brand new students this session, which will take place next session.

Winter-Spring Session:

Sign up sheets will be available for the next session on 12/14/11. For anyone in the program already the fee will be $60 for anyone that signs up that night. The cost to sign up at the beginning of the next session will be $75. A 10% discount will apply for multiple children sign ups.

Adult Assistance:

We will be looking for parents' help in the following areas. Please let me know if you are interested.

Registration, attendance, making copies, delivering paperwork to PAL, bathroom monitor & help on the mat.

Please note: Starting the next session we will hold 3 x 30 minute sessions right after the regular class for any parent that wishes to help on the mat. After that we will holds 60 minute jujitsu/self defense work outs for the rest of the Winter-Spring session.

Please see me for details,

Sensei Rick Calabrese

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